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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 15, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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everyone is happy and healthy and we're happy for them. they were here not too long ago. >> great news. >> it is. thank you very much for joining us here on the curvy couch. see you back here tomorrow. bill: a rush hour subjectware derailment in moscow. self cars jumping the tracks. 150 injured. many reported to be in grave condition. israel resuming airstrikes in gaza. israel agreeing to a cease-fire with hamas but hamas rejecting that cease-fire and started
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firing rockets again. where does this go? i'm bill hemmer. welcome to america's newsroom. martha: despite the growing pressure for a cease-fire, the violence has spilled into the streets outside jerusalem. israeli forces firing tear gas to disperse the people protesting the israeli operation. bill: does the cease-fire have any chance or is that forgotten? >> reporter: it's too early to tell if the cease-fire should be well gate to the trash bin of history. the militants in gaza never cease their fire once the
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cease-fire officially began at 9 type this morning local time. a short time ago israel resumed its airstrikes. the military says hamas militants cease-fire have fired at least 60 rockets into israel. moments ago before we went on the air one of them intercepted directly overhead. another earlier landing on a home in southern israel causing damage. there were no injuries. israel this the process of implementing what would be their 9th battery of europe dome interceptors. as for hamas perhaps it's unfair to say they rejected this cease-fire. some saying they never received a draft of this cease-fire. some saying it's not worth the ink that was used to where it.
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it says internal consultations still continue on whether to accept this cease-fire. we have to remember this cease-fire officially dan at 9:00 a.m. it had a 12-hour de-escalation period. that's part of the agreement that some could argue is reason for optimism. >> if this were to go to another level israel would invade the gaza strip. how real is that? >> that is a possibility. i don't say a real possibility. moment ago the head of the southern command gave an it view. he's the general in charge what would be a ground incursion
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saying he's endorsing some type of limited ground incursion into gaza. that could last between 1-2 weeks. it would not be full-blown. the purpose of this incursion would be for the military to destroy the infiltration tunnels that hamas has built for its operatives to illegally enter israel and commit acts of sabotage and mayhem. right right now that incursion still on the table. we are waiting to see if this cease-fire is going to take hold. the prime minister the best way to describe him, cautiously optimistic. martha: back at home the white house calling on both side to cease-fire. >> we need hamas to stop launching rocketsr that are putting israeli citizens in harm's way. at the the same time the united
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states is very concerned about those principle civilians that are in harm's way. reporter: the white house goes on to say it's urging both side to do everything necessary to keep civilians on both sided the border safe. president obama is urging both side to come back to the table. that seems to be going nowhere. tell us what you think and we'll hair your idea through the the program. it's clear and obvious that president obama and benjamin netanyahu disagree on a lot of things. we'll see whether we can help in this matter. right now they want us to day out. martha: a whistleblower testified paperwork for disability claims for $service that were written to the va
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asking for medical help went ignored. that whistleblower talked about the lengths the va twonlt cover up the backlog. slew * i saw the ten, 2011, 2012 claims to be shredded. i opened the boxes and you a things in the boxes that weren't supposed to be shredded. the va said because i didn't see the shreddings happen that it wasn't shredded. >> reporter: what about the wait issue and the claims from the va that things are getting better? >> reporter: lalawmakers did not buy the rosie maker they were getting -- the rosie picture they were getting from the va. there is a possibility the va
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may overpay veterans $370 million off the next five years. here is a sample of the questioning by a chairman of the veterans committee with a employee in philadelphia. >> do you believe it was up tension alley violated or it was a misunderstanding. >> i believe we intentionally violated fast letter. the management will allege they didn't understand what the first part of the fast letter said. how, their actions show otherwise. >> reporter: that is a sample of a hearing on capitol hill. lawmakers are not believing what they are hearing from the va. they say it has a long way to go to fiction its problems. martha: according to this
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whistle blower the claims were snacked boxes. they also talked about what life was like for them working there after they started to balk. >> reporter: there was one gentleman who rated concerns about what he was seeing and here is what he said about what he received. >> june 24 i published a vsr report concerning quality review. june 30, i was for the lack of better definition and i think the legal definition is laid off. >> reporter: negotiators in the house and senate are working to fix some of the problems at the va. law make is are not believing the va made a lot of progress since all these whistleblowers first came forward. martha: let's hope they get there. mike, thank you very much. bill: extreme weather alert.
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first in arizona. monsoon season. violent thunderstorms and heavy rains causing major flash flooding that stayed after rising what terse came up so fast trapped inside their cars. the storms also packing strong wind powerful enough to flip off this f-16 at an air force base in tucson. the man' soon season' started a month ago and runs to september. bill: flash flooding on staten island. watch this ... >> didn't see anything, it was two feet of water. the waves hit my car, and had to get tuck. all the cars kept hitting us. when they pulled us through their waves were hitting us and moving us. martha: a flash flood watch
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remains today. bill: a line of severe storms leaving thousands without power. check out that shot. it's like the lightning is going for the capital dome there. something hund it. we have up with, too, of the freedom tower. martha: tall buildings, historic ones, too. the midwest wakes up to temperatures 10-30 degree below the normal average for july. all blamed on a mini polar vortex. we talked a lot about polar voi- polar vortexes. we saw one i in the winter.
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bill: we were thinking we would fire up the beer. janice is coming up and also maria molina is coming up. there was growing concern after a man was diagnosed with the playing in colorado. details on what we know about that now in a moment. martha: new video of the boston marathon bopping suspect a day after the explosion. that tsarnaev just strolling around the hallways. bill: questions about how bergdahl fell toe up enemy hand. >> in the military bergdahl's comrade think he deserted.
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martha: new video of a college friend of the boston bomber suspect. this is dzhokhar tsarnaev at the gym at dartmouth. his lawyer says he's only guilty of knowing the suspect. bill: bowe bergdahl is returning to active duty. bergdahl may also get $350,000
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dropped into his bank account tax-free. but before that happens the investigation into his disappearance must clear him of desertion. you have issues how this is being handle. what's the issue? >> the issue is not a vendetta against bergdahl itself who is a pathetic loser who need to pay his debt to the military for his alleged and apparent crime in the face of the enemy. the real issue is the obama administration's determination with the apparent complicity, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of establishing a precedent that desertion in war time is no big deal. the white house agenda clearly is to release -- just fight
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relieves those taliban prisoners. and reduce charges. now, of course -- bill: you think that helps the white house say based on this decision instead of a felony charge you get a misdemeanor? >> reporter: this white house never admits it's wrong about anything ever. and they detest the military so sticking it to the military is a bonus on this. i believe the goal -- they would like to have the charges against bergdahl dismissed entirely but they will settle for reduction of the charges from desertion to awol. if they reduce it to awol that's like reducing a murder charge to shoplifting. then they can give him a general discharge, full lifetime healthcare benefits. full back pay.
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bill: a lot of people are listening to you are thinking you are digging deep for a theory. but here is how we'll know whether you are right or not. will they interview the platoon mates who have come forward who say he deserted and there is evidence to prove it. we'll bring on one of those platoon mates next hour and he is yet to be contacted by the u.s. army. >> i'm ashamed of the way this is being handle. the army is roming over for the white house. the evidence against bergdahl appears to be overwhelming. to get a murder conviction in civilian court you don't rely entirely on the testimony of the alleged murderer. what bergdahl says matters. it's about intent. if bergdahl says i didn't mean
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to dessert. i wanted to take a nice evening stroll. then they say he didn't mean to dessert. it's just awol. the bottom line for me is the precedent that was set. it's so deliterious. bill: at what point do you cross the line. i have a lot of veterans who hope the guy is okay. but it's not like you are calling for his head. you just want to know the truth and if the truth is what you suspect or believe, then it should be handled accordingly. at the moment i don't get the sense that's the way it's going to go. >> it am not.
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i want the military justice system to work the way it's supposed work. never in the history of the military has an alleged deserter been given a cushy involves job. military veterans aren't vengeful. what they hate is the white house attempt to portray him as some kind of hero and they don't want him to retire with better benefits than many a real veteran. this president has lavished more attention on bergdahl and his family than on the families of of any our honorably wound or dead veterans. obama loves the deserter and despises the men who served honorably. martha: as politicians clash over a wave of undocumented immigrants crossing our southern bored we have an exclusive
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first-handle look at what is happening on the front lines. bill: world powers said to be nowhere near a deal with iran. >> if iran gets nuclear weapons you can bet your bottom dollar there will be others in the region who get it. we are creating the situation because of our own determination to get out of the area. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier.
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bill: the california drought is devastating farmers but the
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state is expected to institute mandatory water restrictions for the first time amid a 3-year drought. they are thinking of understand stiewght a $500 time for washing cars and washing down sidewalks. martha: now on the southern border agents face a seemingly impossible task. there is a flood undocumented immigrants that number in the tens of thousands. john roberts is live on a boat in the rio grande. you got a chance to see this area and get a perspective for what these border patrol agents are up against. what do you think? what can you tell us? >> reporter: it's not until you get out here that you
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realize what these border agents face. we found 300 miles of twisting, turning river with hundreds of places for illegal m migrants migrants to cross. it's combination of public land, private property, wildlife refuges, all with its own set of rules where the border patrol can and cannot go. i'm told law enforcement alone can't take care of it. but he says there are signs the situation is beginning to improve. >> a lot of these children and family units won't be allowed to stay, they will have to go back to their country. i think with that clear messaging you will see improvements in dealing with this kind of situation.
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>> reporter: he says it's a 24/7 problem at the border but washington tend to run on a 9:00 to 5:00 mentality. martha: can the boats intercept them when they see them out there? how can they stop them? >> these boats can run up and down the rough. you have all your senses. that can serve as a deterrent to people who do not want to get caught. so many of these central american illegal immigrants, their goal is to get caught. if one of those people gets in the rough on an inflatable raft and they are determined to get to the american side they will not try to stop them in the river for fear a person might fall out and drown. law enforcement can't solve the problem. it has to be handled at the
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source. steve stockman is one of the members of congress who believe what you have to do is i have to send a clear message to people in central america that if you cross this border illegally you will be sent back. >> i think you should stand by a planeful of people being sent back to guatemala and that would send a message that we mean business and we are going to send back the folks that come here. >> reporter: it's only 100 yard from the mexican side to the american side and in some places where the current runs fast it only takes 8 seconds to get across. you can see what a difficult job it is to cure this enormous rough in the rio grande valley. martha: for some people that mayor be the easiest part of their trip learning what they
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have goon through to get there. bill: a man comes down with a rare form of the playing. here in the united states. how in the world did this happen? the latest on a potentially deadly illness. martha: what are the fed trying to do to reduce the numbers. you saw how cheamging this really is. >> it's not a one dimensional issue. we can't just air border security, border security, border security.
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bill: health officials say a man has been treated for the
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playing, one of the most deadly forms of diseases in human history. >> it's highly contagious, there is no vaccine and it passes from person to person simply by causing. most cases are in africa, this is not. a colorado man got the playing from his dog who got it from flees from a dead row dent. investigators are searching for other cases. >> people need to be cautious with his organism. it's transmitted by fleats who live on rodents. individual who are aware of dieoffs of small row dent, particularly prairie dogs, squirrels and rabbits should notify their health department. bill: anti-biotic will protect
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people who have had contact. bill: what are the symptoms? >> reporter: they can seem when fine. fee, weakness, fever, weakness. then you start causing up blood. keep your pets away from wildlife, especially dead rodents and prairie dogs. that's when the fleas will leave the carcass and look for a new host like dogs. the last urban outbreakn was in los angeles in -- the last urban outbreak was in los angeles. if you see a dead prairie dog on the side of the road, leave it. martha: the white house says
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some 40 illegal immigrants were sent back to central america. it's and move the white house says is a step in the rite direction. still there are tens of thousands of people being held in detention centers across the country. some of them are being sent by busses and planes. there is an evident being led by john cornyn and. >> our bill would fix the hole that is being exploited. they know children are being released to relatives never to be heard from begin. >> the president of guatemala said we want our kids back. but we have to work with those countries to return those kid
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back. martha: i can't figure out what the white house wants in this situation. they sent back 40 people on a plane. then you have the president talking to a person who is on the humanitarian side of this and said in another life i would be on your side of the table in this issue. >> i think we have to remember whether we like it or not that there is due process under our laws for people who cross the border. particularly children. they have to be heard i a jawj judge after evaluation and that bill they are talking about increases the judges to 40 judges. we started out by the congress before. i think it message is they can't -- they need to get more of these children back. then i think what obama may do
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is call mexico. they are allowing this shipment through their country. calm the presidents of honduras, guatemala and el al extra doer. martha: this has been going on for months. >> i'm concerned. >> i think the president is basically conflict. he's beholding to immigrant groups who don't believe in enforcement and don't believe in deportation in any circumstance. so this first flight back is a step in the right direction. it what's hud happen going forward. up hold these migrants near the border instead of dispersing them throughout the country. you set up a rocket docket. then you hope you can spend $7,000 and $5,000 to try to send your kid across the border but
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they will end up right back in honduras and guatemala and that might eventually stop the flow. >> reporter: a lot of people are saying he's basically voting present. he doesn't want to solve the problem at the border in terms of bigger security or as relationship was saying keep everybody there. he is some would say hoping that this dispersion of these immigrants to different areas of the country will sort of let it all go away. and that will be that. >> that is one of the most unfair attacks. it was obama who pushed immigration reform laws early in thissed a member straition and it was the republicans in the hughes who were opposed to it. there is a bill sitting there now. obama is i think unfairly put in this corner where he is beholding to immigration groups and here is the one i really
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love. the best under the bill is you can become a citizen in 15-20 years. i think obama wants to solve this problem. we spent billions of dollars on building this border security fence. it's not as if we are seeing nothing. >> the comprehensive up gracious reform would give and necessary city which would form a magnet for people to come off on the peck takes they will get amnesty next time. the administration has eviscerated interior enforcement. if you are not a criminal your chances of being deported are basically nil. that's why these migrants are pretty much scot-free once they are across the border.
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>> you have got 11 million up documented workers in this country. what are going to do with them? are you going to send them back? 11 million? >> i would have an enforcement system that works first. and works at the point of employment and at the workplace so you cut out the source of jobs. then i would cut a deal where you have a fairly generous amnesty in exchange for lower levels [inaudible] martha: i want to understand what you think the president's take is on this. either it's a humanitarian crisis an wants to help these children. if that's the case why not say this. this is their story. this why is they want to protect them. he's not doing that. it's in this middle ground. he hasn't gotten on the ground. if he has why isn't there a
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picture of the president in the oval office talking to the president of honduras or squat malla. where is all that, bob? >> we are sitting on an election which by my count, republicans in the house, that's today. the defebruary dens de -- the de on hispanic voters is significant. if i advising him i would advise him to do that. straddle the fence. martha: straddle the fence. don't do anything. >> right now his own constituency in chicago and other places are saying what about ours. it's a very difficult situation. but it's not his making. it's of his make of dpofts who f
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governments oppressing their people. bill: 11 minutes into today's day in up vestors are awaiting fed chair yel p's testimony. martha: iranian nuclear talks are apparently starting to fall apart. john kerry heading home with another foreign policy failure. bill: a tribute to yankee derek jeter going viral. he's retiring have you heard. cool stuff. ♪ don't miss a step...
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the summer of this.mmer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. bill: secretary of state john kerry heading back to washington after two days of nuclear talks. he says there are very real gaps in the program. the headlines crossed 90 minutes ago. john kerry cited real gaffes in
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nuclear negotiations. where are we now and is this case now lost? >> well, it was lost about 20 years ago when iran started building nuclear weapons. i think it was entirely foreseeable that this six months of negotiation after signing the deal in january would end without a successful conclusion. the only way iran would be satisfied is if the west made catastrophic concessions. but there is a built in mechanism in the january agreements to extend the talks for another 6 months. i think that's likely to happen. that's a plus for iran. gives them six more months to bust out of the sanctions and continue developing their nuclear program. bill: here is benjamin netanyahu from 36 hours ago. >> it's a joke. of course they are developing
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nuclear weapons. you can count it in hundreds of billion of dollars for creating medical isotopes for iranian patients? bill: why did we think we can talk them out of it? >> because i think the president lives in a dream world. i think he believes there is a way to negotiate with iran that would leave them with only a peaceful nuclear power and research program. iran has been determined for 30 years to get nuclear weapons and a one of of smooth talking politician from the united states were not going to divert them. we have been on a fool's end for five years. >> my question is, how does the white house react to the notion that the president is a by stander in all these crises? >> i think there virginia have been a number of situations where the administration has substantially furthered american
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interests and substantially improved the tranquility of the global community. bill: substantially furthered american interests and substantially improved the tranquility of the global community. what does that mean when you see all these countries falling apart and at war with one another. another hot spot pops up. >> i like the phrase "global communities." what are they talking about? the middle east is descending into chaos. the iranian-north korean nuclear weapons ballistic missile programs are proceeding. russia is change international boundaries. china is coming close to that in the south china sea. i think we are in a very, very
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difficult and dangerous time and it would be nice if we had some leadership in the white house. bill: do you think iran is nuclear now or are they that much closer to being there? >> i don't think they are yet. but i don't think we can have real faith in our intelligence gathering capabilities to know what moment they will controls the finish line and that's critical. martha: the nation is drowning in red ink and it may be getting worse. the feds are about to release just how big the deficit will be and stuart varney is going to break down the numbers for us. he's coming up. bill: remember that brutal winner? apparently there are millions of americans hole feel a chill in the middle of summer that they have never felt before.
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>> a mini polar vortex. the midwest getting hit with chilly air. it will be 55 in minneapolis where the major league baseball game will get underway. 56 in cleveland. janice, is it really -- how long is this going too go on? >> reporter: is it that bad to have temperatures in the 50s. open up the windows, turn off the air-conditioning.
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you heard of christmas in july. save moneyn on air condition. we have an amply need jetstream bringing cold air from the polar regions and the gulf alaska. weird for july. the departures from 10 to 15 to 20 degree. we have a ridge of low pressure. areas that don't typically have air-conditioning will feel heat. this will head into wednesday along the gulf coast you could be feeling that polar air. there are your current temperatures. we have a bringing the threat for severe weather. behind it cooler, drier air. i don't think it's that bad. we'll set. >> record lows.
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40s and 50s. it's july. i know you are a summer girl. martha: i like seasons'. i like them to be what they are supposed to be. bill: this nike commercial is blowing up the internet. watch this, check it out. billy his cal, jay-z, many others saluting the captain derek jeter. the game is on fox. martha: soon many questions remain about the real story about sergeant bowe bergdahl. do you think we'll ever really
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learn what happened? bill: a republican karl rove will respond. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste. but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day.
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republicans are now set to lay the groundwork for a lawsuit against president obama. john boehner will bring it before the committee tomorrow. good morning. i am martha maccallum. >> and i will bill hemmer. harry reid ripped it apart this morning this is a phony stunt. >> this is a show trial and what republicans want. i guess that is what they want
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but they should go talk to judge judy if they want that. >> karl rove is here and good morning to you. how is this going to go? >> since the 1970's the house has the bipartisan legislation group and it has been authorized to do intervene. most recently it defended the defensive marriage act. harry reid is ignoring 40 years of history since the 1970s when the bipartisan group began filing briefs in involving the constitutional rights of the house and senate. >> that is what boehner is
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doing. he says as the leader of the republicans in the house he feels it is his responsibility to speak up and bring a lawsuit when the constitutional powers have been overstepped. do you think politically this is a good way to go? >> the politicerize murky. but the policy -- politics -- is sound which is article one in the constitution defines the legislative branch and the president will suggest by rewriting, ignoring, or modifying laws is nullifying the article one powers of the u.s. house of representatives. this is going to be focused mainly on obamacare. he has 32-33 times modified and delayed or rewritten the statue when he has no way to do so. he wants to push until 2016 the
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act that says you have to give insurance if you have over 50 employ es. the president is delaying the enforcement of the law until 2016 and the collection of the tax. where is the president of the united states given the authority to say when and where taxes will be collected. >> the president who is a constitutional attorney says he is well-won -- within -- his rights and thinks it is ridiculous. how do you see it paying out? >> i think the supreme court is li likely to give a hearing.
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the president thought he had the right to decide when there was recess or not. that didn't work out. nine people voted saying mr. president you don't have the right to interfere with the articles. the courts loathe getting in between branches of government but they did in the last couple years. the president says sue me but you notice he never talks about the merit. >> i believe josh earnest suggested that making amendments, and delays, and such doesn't change the underlying statue and law. >> but where does it say the government has the right to delay the implementation of the
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tax and law. there was never a case when i remember a president saying when a tax is levied or not. and black letter law is clear. it doesn't give the president the right to authority and sets the date for tax to be collected. >> if it does get a hearing and it goes further it could lead to the question of should the question be impeached? >> you don't impeach the president over a disagreement. the supreme court instruct down something saying he acted inproperly and nullified it and that is the way to go about. impeachment is what the president wants you to talk
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about it. bad thing to do. the politics of that are all long. >> thank you. we will see you again. the white house with a full press on the $3.7 billion from congress dealing with the flood of illegles including children and this as dozen are headed back to central america. the first to be sent back since the crisis started. ed henry is on the north lawn. first the politics, they are sending in big guns to the hill. is this bill in trouble? >> deep trouble. that is why they are sending pem to get on board. republicans say too high of the percentage of the aid goes to beds and detention center -- the bandaid of the short term process and not enough on border
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security. one thing i would watch is you have a separate bipartisan bill that republican and democrats are working on that would amend the 2008 law that deals with central american children differently than kids coming from mexico and then it might be easier to deport the kids that don't belong. you have to wonder if the white house could get leverage saying we will amend the law and we will give you the money. the president may not get of the money but if there is a tweaked version he might get some. >> tell me about the plane that went back to honduras. do you have information on that? >> we have john mccain saying he
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wants to see more planes going to central america to get these kids out. and the white house is saying we have to go through the process, in part because of the 2008 law, and find out if they deserve asylum or should be deported. the likelihood is the vast majority are not going to get asylum. >> many people say if you send people home that will send a strong message it isn't open anymore. did they believe that, too? or not? >> i think they are inside the white house and they don't believe this isn't about border security. they don't believe it is about
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proving the border is pourous but these kids want to be taken into custody. the political reality is the border isn't fully secure and that is making it harded for the president to deal with the crisis now but makes it harder to get immigration reform which is making him defensive. sergeant bowe bergdahl who spent five years in captivity is back on active duty. not everybody is happy and donald trump is one of them and he is next to tell us what he thinks. >> more e-mails and another computer hard drive dist appear as investigators look at illegal
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activity by a former colleague of lois lerner. we will explain that. plus there is this: >> terrifying ordeal. a freak hail storm. panic at the beach. look at the pictures. this is tragic. two people died in this hail storm.
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ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. there are now evacuations in northern california as crews fire a massive fire there destroying eight homes and ten other structures just yesterday. the fires growing covering about ten square miles with active burning fans by wind there. more than 2,000 firefighters working to put out the flames but only 20% have been contained.
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>> i would like to say bowe bergdahl is having trouble speaking english: >> i am your father, bowe bergdahl. >> those were the parents invited to be with bowe bergdahl on may 31st as their son was released. then we learned it came at high price with the release of five high-ranking taliban athlete -- leaders -- and claims he left his post. and all of this time he hasn't spoken with his mother and father all of these six weeks later. and now the news he is set to get back to work at a desk job and could collect $350,000 in backpay for the time he was held over the course of the years. evan butto is here.
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he was sergeant bowe bergdahl's team leader. good to have you with us. what is your reaction to all of this? >> it is a little confusing he is going back to active duty. i know the situation is very unique and nothing like this has ever happened before. so i think the army is -- they are trying to figure out how they want to handle because it is so unique and there is no guidelines as to how they should handle this in a book somewhere i don't believe. if you look at the e-mails he sent home before deserting and some of the other things he said, if they are confirmed to be true, it sounds like he never liked the army or the america. he said he was ashamed to be an american. >> did you believe he deserted your team? >> a hundred percent.
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he walked away in the middle of afghanistan and i don't believe he intended to come home. he mailed his things home and walked away. >> have you been interviewed by anyone investigating his story because you were with him on the day he left? >> since the new investigation has started, i think about a month or three weeks ago, i and no one else from the platoon has been contacted for that investigation. the investigation that took place in 2009 right after he left we were contacted by multiple agencies and multiple people doing all sorts of investigations and we spoke to them as well in 2009 but since the new investigation started we have not been contacted. >> evan, thank you very much. >> one outspoken man who doesn't think bowe bergdahl should be back at work is donald trump and
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here with me live. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> you think the white house wants this to go away and there is not going to be a court marshal? >> i don't think they knew when they were negotiating and these are great negotiators. we have a trader and now five killers and now $350,000 in backpay and he was a trader! evan sounds terrific. he said that he mailed all of his stuff back home. how is it possible he and his other folks that knew this man and knew what happened were not interviewed or talked to having to do with the investigation. i don't think the white house knew what they were doing when they made the deal. when you make a deal you have to
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have your facts. they didn't have the facts. >> we just watched the president in the rose garden with his parents, who he hasn't spoken to, do you think they were caught off guard? the whole thing is strange to say the least. >> this is one of many disasters into the country. i watched john kerry begging to make a deal with iran and the nukes. this is one of many disasters. this is a catastophry. what good has been done. looking at the border, the va and everything is a calamity.
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there is nothing that is done right. it is imcompetence. they are back in service to knock us out and we trade five killers for one trader and give them $350,000 and put them back to work and they don't investigate and call people like evan that know what happened. and then you have the weird thing people mentioned with the parents. the father was a weird dude i thought. i saw him and said that doesn't look like duck dynasty. and then i watched the father's action and his statements and words and i said this is a weird situation going on. now the guy is released and he doesn't even want to talk to his
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parents. >> we were told by every military service member that at the basic there could be an investigation on the soldier who said -- it was said he left his post. and now i am wondering if we will not see anything because the white house doesn't want to talk about this. standby for the truth in the end. no matter who wins history is made in one state in november with two women fighting for the right to become the first female senator. >> and president obama says the republicans are to blame from a not getting things done? the washington post put out a pinick oh report and we will talk about what they find out. >> republicans have blocked or voted down every serious idea to stregthen the middle class.
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what started as a sunny day on a lake turned tragic. people scatting -- scattering -- when the skies turned black. deadly hail raining on a lake side beach in siberia. people sprinted for coverage. the strong was so storm it knocked a tree down to a tent and two little girls with families were killed in that tent. they were three and four years old. back in this country i want to take a look at the pick six. so you the map. everything you see that is
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outlined in yellow are the senate seats up for grabs come mid terms in november. what republicans have been trying to do is pick up the balance in the senate. all right. so 53 down here for democrats and two independents here. republicans have to pick up six seats to get the majority. let's go back to the map and see where they want too do it. republicans believe they have a good chance in montana, south dakota, arkansas, louisiana and over in north carolina and they have targeted the state of west virginia. that is where we find carl cameron in the position. which war to the voters in your state believe? good morning. >> good morning, bill.
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voters are unsure about both. the war on women is particularly important here has two women are fighting back and forth for the seat. it will be the first republican u.s. senator in half a century. this is one of the key six states and jay rockfeller is leaving the seat open and that is what the battle is for. on the economy, there is a superseding issues in west virginia and it is coal. it is the war on coal that is much of the economy and the culture and the campaigns debate. yesterday we had ten at the secretary of state campaigning alongside elizabeth warren. this state is becoming increasingly republican and ms. warren came down to help tenant
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raise money. a congresswoman is running for the seat that leads the polls and leads the money and she is making the argument this is about the war on coal and blames the democrats and president obama for saying they are threatening their jobs and tradition. >> i am a west virginia democrat and i am pro-coal and pro-coal minor. i will stand up to the president, to elizabeth warren and anyone from either party who will try to hurt or energy jobs. >> the president has decided to pick winners and losers in the country and west virginia you are going to lose. no matter what you did in the past we will make the decision that you don't count. >> while tenant was campaigning alongside elizabeth warren they campaigned with paul ryan on the
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other side and they went after elizabeth warren saying that she is on the left of the left and doesn't represent west virginia and in this increasingly republican state she is the republican is leading in the polls and money and a lot of folks think a democrat will not fight the coal with the president and the epa coming down so hard. when it comes to the war on women it will be hard to argue because she is leading the polls and she is a woman. >> four months to go. carl cameron, thank you. the trail of missing e-mails and spreading from the irs over to the federal election commission it turns out. lois lerner is the common link as the investigators look
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targeting scandal. >> this youngster coming to his rescue and someone other other end of the age spectrum is thankful. >> i would say another 20 minutes of sitting in there if he had not notified somebody. rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares.
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fox news alert from the middle east. israel defending itself from rockets fired from gaza. that has been going on for two weeks. rockets stream in the sky as part of the attack and hamas resumed attacks and hamas rejected the deal within minutes and the fighting over the past week has killed almost 200 palestinian as pressure grows around the world for a solution. another bizarre interest in the irs matter.
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another former government employee, april sams, at the federal election committee is being investigated for using her federal office for partisan political activities but the house investigators can't find her old hard drive. the fec says it has been recycled. lou dobbs is here. this is a habit? >> it seems to be a habit for people who have been in contact with lois lerner. this woman worked with lois lerner at the federal election committee while lois lerner ran the enforcement division. six other employee's hard drives have been destroyed. all with a connection to the lois lerner and the partisan
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politics. >> african-american female, april sams, and there is a law that says when you work are the federal government you cannot participate in how would you characterize it? >> politics. >> is it that simple? this is what she sent out. every republican will when you learn that obama is smarter than you, stand down. >> somebody not smart enough to realize there could be a time, date and institutional memory of twitter saying you violated the hatch act because you did this during work house and used a federal computer and congress room to do so. she is not the one to be telling
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people who is smart. >> june 4th of 2012: i don't understand how anyone but straight white men can vote for obama. the law says you cannot do this on company time and on this case government time. circle back to why this could be significant for the irs investigation? >> the reason it is significant is because now we have a pattern or habit here that has formed among some employees. the destruction of federal property is a crime. when you talk about obstructing justice it is a further crime. and there is now an organization in which they have their hard drives recycled and this is a complicity within the it department violating the hatch
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act and were all following partisan objectives and speaking specific conservative donors and organizations and tea party groups. and it suggests it is a coincidence. >> there seems to be a drip, drip, drip on this story. riddle me this. is this the only way to destroy evidence if you want to cover it up and say they don't exist anymore? >> it is the best and quickest way. but it is not full-proof because there are backup systems still in place and the forensic it people who are wizards are pursuing diligently other
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places -- that is backup severs and overlaps between sending and receiving e-mails. and trying to work together to come up with a reconstruction. they have done that for about 20,000 e-mails. >> if that is the case, you believe, based on that answer they will get to the bottom of this? >> i absolutely do. and i absolutely believe with rigorous investigation and that means probably a select committee on the part of congress they will find out that these six now eight people. lois lerner and six others plus april were working together. >> we will see where it goes from then. thank you, lou. it isn't every day that a little 3-year-old boy can play the role of a superhero in his life but that is what keith williams did. he saw this man trapped inside
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his boiling hot car in the church parking lot and ran inside and got the help of the pastor. >> he kept pulling at my hand and i turned around and looked at him and said what is going on? and he said hot, hot. >> i am impressed and proud he knew what to do. >> maybe it was the superhero t-shirt he had on. i think he was born with those powers. he did a great job and keith you are a little hero. >> i love that story. >> me, too. the washington post said the president might want to check his facts before talking and pointing fingers at the republicans. street justice on a car jacker.
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see how a group of good samaritans got him out of car they were going to steal. >> i think they did a great job. it is important for the community to jum in because the police are not always around. police are not always around. you did. life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach.
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>> a group of witnesses dishing out home-grown justice for a
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carjacker. he lost control and hit a pole here and they get the seat belt off him and that is when a group of men swarmed the car, dragged him out and took care of him and held him until the police arrived. >> love that! republicans in congress have blocked every serious idea to stregthen the middle class. they said no to all of it. >> the washington post said the president is quote going into rhetorical overdrive with statements like that and gave him three big pinokios for blocking every serious idea he had and praising things like the farm bill and other laws sitting in the democratic-led senate as well. david web is here who is a radio talk show host and lisa susman
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is here -- emily -- welcome to you both. they called him out on this and said on the day he released a statement and a photo from boehner and pelosi posted a picture saying happy to work together. what is the president missing here? >> i think it is great they are passing some bills. in the article they said it depends on what your definition of a serious bill is. i think it is sad if what we expect from congress is so low they cannot past basic bills. are we going to say they ended the government shutdown, they are keeping it going. the bill they quoted in that article was streamlining jobs and the basic stuff you expect our government to be doing.
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>> david, what do you think about that? >> would somebody remind emily there are two branches. there is the house and senate. the senate led me harry reid, democrat control, and led by the president is the leader of the party. let's deal with the story that is at hand. when it president is given three pinokio it is an outright law boy the president. he points an absolute when there is not because there have been 50 bills passed by the republicans and if the house and senate did their job we would bring the bills up in the senate. we will get this from the president from now to 2016. when he cannot lead or govern, which he choses to do neither,
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he plays the blame game. emily with pick and chose congress but this is the reality and for the college graduate to wants to be the middle class orworking up to it this president is you being pushed into the dependent class. that is his leaf and they will push that agenda. >> i think 11-12 job billed were passedinate in the house and never made it for a vote. >> over 50 are repealing or partly repealing obamacare. >> i am asking about the job bills. why didn't the senate involve taking them up? >> sure. these are not serious things that would really help working families. the biggest piece of the working
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family's agenda was saying to give a tax credit to those who put a crib in their office. debate those on the floor, sure. if you think that is going to help the middle class good. >> so emily is saying the ideas are silly stuff. >> how does she know it is silly if he hasn't been privy to the debates or read what was written. emily is doing what they do. they claim they know everything and debate nothing. >> what good ideas did they come up with? >> the keystone state pipeline was said to not have the adverse affects that the president is
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claiming. canada passed their bill. that oil is going to go out in the world and be processed. there does seem to be an idea that people could connect on some level but it doesn't seem like the folk wants to go with the environmental lane. >> there is a lot of question of would it be short-term jobs would the larger effects be different? that is a whole different thing. >> they are the safest way to transport oils and there are thousands of lines across the aquafer. >> that is why we have green rooms. so they can duke it out at the end. >> jenna lee is standing by.
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>> all right. coming up on the show, hamas rejects the seize on israel and israel is responding as the situation continues to decline we will get you copt. the midterms are a few months away and one town is getting an influx of illegal immigrants that are 12-17-year-old boys. we will talk to the local official from michigan and get their story on this. this could be the coldest all-star game every. but first the home run derby. they were red lot last night. it is out! >> she is gone. from the home run derby to a look at the all-star game live
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from target field on big fox tonight. >> very exciting. in the nation, it's not always pretty. add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance... ...and we'll replace destroyed or stolen items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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home run derby in a row. watch it go down. he is the first to repeat since ken jiffy, jr. did it 50 years ago and tom butler is live from target field. what is is everybody talking about? >> the home run derby delayed by rain and then it was cold. it was a tough night for the lefties of the plate. it is a pitcher's ballpark and the wind helped the righties so they did well but the lefties had a hard time like justin morno getting it out. we are talking about a beautiful day but cooler than it would be.
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normally it would be about 90 and humid and some of the players are happy. because the forecasted high is 72 and no humidity. it would feel fall-like but that is not a bad thing. they have rolled out the red carpet here and that will proceed -- we have a parade downtown and all of the players are in that and they will walk up to the red carpet to come into field. it could be a lot worse with more hugs and high fives. >> a lot of people across the midwest are going to be feeling similar temperatures. it is mid-july. how jacked up are you having this game on fox?
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>> there are five days worth of even events. we had fan fest, magic dragons playing, we had interactive displays and items. the city has embraced it. st. paul and minneapolis and i think we have been shining here has far as what we put together and when we talk to the people from major league baseball who were in new york for the midsummer classic said they were right on par. maybe it is the minnesota nice. we have a lot to share. >> thank you, tom. enjoy the night. more acquisitions by whistle blowers at the va. some are saying millions were paid without checking if they needed it. needed it.
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any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready foyou alert, only at!
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martha: so late for the became but it will be fun. bill: how about, in the 50s in mid-july? martha: stop complaining! put on a sweater. open the windows. "happening now" starts right now. we'll see you back here tomorrow, everybody. have a great day. jenna: brand new perspective on the immigration crisis as fox takes an exclusive tour of the border. hello, everybody, hope you're off to great tuesday so far. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. rio grand valley with hundreds of families and children flooding across the border illegally. the river is tough to enforce. fox got a chance to see what border patrol agents are up against with a exclusive tour of the border patrol sector. john roberts take a tour on border patrol boats. he joins us from mission texas


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